Monday, 20 January 2014

A few words.

Sometimes, there are no words to describe how you feel. Within the depths of your heart and soul there are thoughts, feelings and emotions running marathons - but sometimes, it is almost impossible to put them into typed up letters on a screen. The past few weeks have been a little up & down. I don't have much enthusiasm writing this & I was going to abandon the idea altogether, but then I suddenly remembered all the incredibly kind and wonderful people who have thanked me for writing in the past and found comfort in 'alittlefeisty'.  There is no shame in admitting things have not been as you would like. We are not defeated. It just gives us the opportunity to try again. Whether it be tomorrow, the next day, weeks or longer... there will be sunshine waiting somewhere. Sometimes, it's just believing in that that's the problem. Believe in yourself.

We often have to accept 'what is' in order to carry on, dust ourselves off, and begin again.
Acceptance and appreciation is the key.


Hold close the people who love you for who you are..and are not afraid to show it.

Be kind to others, for you don't know what battles they may be facing.

Find the positive.

Be true to yourself.

Remember, there is always hope.


Short post, I actually started this two days ago but words yet again fail me. Will be back in full force soon.