So, what's new in my little pickled onion shaped universe? To start, my medications have been upped. Giant hurrah. Hello sarcasm, where did you come from? But yes, in all seriousness however they have increased. So I am currently writing this from the comfort of my bed, with heavy eyes, tired bones, achey legs and a sort of numbness to my personality. All of this I am well used to - but it is still far from pleasant going through it again. I wish I could just have someone to tickle my back through the periods of shit. Maybe I could hire someone? They would also sing sweetly to me & bring constant supplies of sweets & crisps with dip. Okay, probably asking for too much. It just gets very miserable when you are left cuddling a giraffe shaped hot water bottle, rather than being able to go rock climbing because you are constantly tired. BUT of course I must keep smiling, because in the long I will feel the benefit. Even if one day they get upped again...I will still stand tall, whip it in the butt with an unsuspecting tea towel, stick to fingers up and say HUH LOOK...I am alive and happy to be here. The Psych increased the dosage for a number of reasons but there is no shame at all in admitting it. When I first started this blog, it was merely a way of letting my creativity vent & write my way through whirlwinds of mess... but after the huge positive response from over the world and people experiencing the same mind boggling things as I, I want to tell you now...Nomatter what your situation - never be afraid to seek help, never be afraid to admit the truth. Yesterday was about making that change. When I received my very first email to say that one of my blog posts had changed someones life, no words could describe what I felt. I can't change the world alone. I can't do things that are not in my reach. I cannot change poverty or war. But I can do this...and I truly believe if we each find that one thing we are passionate enough about - we can transform the life of another - and that counts for something right? I don't pretend to be all knowing. I seek no praise from my writing. I just want to reach out to others who haven't yet found their strength.
This blog is an insight into the life of someone living with mental health problems. It is not something to be taken too negatively or seriously. I like to think of it as a glimpse of mental health with some positive outlooks, silver lining outbursts and outstanding amounts of humorous comedy. HUZZAH!
I am currently undergoing treatment for a few different things & aswell as one to one meetings I attend group therapy. I am pleased to say....I am actually enjoying it. See folks! It's not all bad. When I was first referred and went along, I was upset beyond belief. The look I gave my mother as she walked away 100% pleaded with her "do not leave me here". Yes, it was intimidating. Yes, I felt stupid. Yes, it made my eyes fill with tears and heart beat fast with fear. But a month or so into the course... I no longer feel that way. Don't get me wrong, it can be hard. I still find it difficult to strip my soul bare to strangers who have now become familiar faces. But we are in it together. Our backgrounds are unique and we are all at different points in our lives. Our paths would have probably never crossed if it hadn't have been from the little monsters in our brains...but look, they have crossed. This is real and it's happening & each one of us is proud to say we are fighting back. We are no longer letting it get the better of us. Many have tried and many have failed. We will not fail. You can do it to. I have learnt so much already and will carry on doing so.
One to one is very different. I find this most helpful - but the most painful. It literally rips off any mask I may wear, tears down my walls and leaves me feeling uncut to the world. Barriers are broken and words that wouldn't normally be spoken are used in full force. Nothing can be left untouched. Do not be frightened. It takes a little while to become relaxed and let it free, but when it incredibly relieved you feel after. Insecurities are spoken about through tears falling down my face and the problems I am facing are confronted using my own words. My own, unedited and uncensored words. Speaking and seeking help could possibly be the best thing you ever do. However long it takes, don't push it aside. Do it for yourself. You deserve it.
Having a confused little brain isn't all bad! :)
Search for your creativity through the storm and your heart will come out smiling.
I am not sure I can talk much more today. There was definitely more I wanted to say...but unfortunately my brain feels like it has been scrambled in a frying pan, mixed up with some sweet thai chilli sauce & prawns. I would however like to say...this week, I cut off my longish blonde locks & had my hair dyed blue & purple. I have never been a fan of the saying ' you only live once' ....but it's true, you do! And if it's the little things like that that make you happy,smile, feel positive & vibrant...then go for it! Be yourself. Sometimes its hard to be positive when your head is a tumble weed of doubt, but every day strive to become that person.
I am now going to leave you with some quotes & videos I have found that I am holding close to my heart right now! Peace & love <3
"All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present. Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry, - all forms of fear - are caused by too much future and not enough presence. Guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness, and all forms of non-forgiveness are caused by too much past, and not enough presence"
"Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final"
This video I have posted before, but I feel the need to share again. If you are reading from a mobile device you may not be able to view it.
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