Wednesday 24 October 2012

Let me begin...

May I start by saying this is a brand spanking new laptop I am currently typing on - thanks to a very kind and rather handsome individual! Hurrah! And it is now that I have finally decided to start writing a blog. For the following reasons;
1. I have too much free time on my very little hands.
2. I have quite an amusing time in my brain - which would be funny to share.
3. I have 'small man' syndrome, even though I'm a woman - which allows me to unload sarcasm and banter on to everything, to make up for my lack in height.
4. I'm either up or down, no in-between ; it's a curse I've learn't to live with, but would make a good varied read!

I intend to 'blog' about everyday things. From ninja squirrels, to hiding myself in wardrobes. Things that happen daily, which either make my blood boil or leave me in stitches. I may swear.

It's likely, I'll blog for a while until my genius is discovered. But atleast it gives me something to do in-between putting plasters on my shower shaving cuts and working.

It's 22.14 - which is late for me, because I'm nearly 23. So this is my first blog over. It's been poor I know and I am hesitant to swear incase my grandparents read this. 

I'm now going to take my makeup of using face wipes that irritate my skin, but I still insist on buying the same ones. Then I will climb in my bed and lie awake for hours BECAUSE I'M INCAPABLE OF SLEEPING.



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