Thursday 25 October 2012

When I thought I was a cat...

Good evening all!
So, not much has happened today - except this very exciting update - I managed to shave my legs without stepping out the shower and looking like an extra from a zombie movie. I feel something has been accomplished. Thrilling I know!

Something has annoyed me though & this isn't recent - it's an ongoing hate. I'm not being bitchy either, it's just one of those things where you feel like grating yourself with a cheese grater because you are fed up of seeing it! Girls on facebook who post pictures of themselves clearly posing and trying their best to get away with the ''i've just been tangoed and hit with lorry load of mascara'' look. I mean, yeah that's fine...if that's what you want to do. I'm not against it. But those who do it, then get comments like 'oh you are so pretty'.. to which they comment back to saying 'thanks but i'm not' YOU OBVIOUSLY THINK YOU LOOK GOOD, or why would you make all the effort to put on your favourite 'popular looking' clothes, fix in your hair extensions and paint the shit out of your face. You don't look like that in real life.

Same goes for people uploading files of them singing to social networking sites. You get a compliment? Except it. You don't think your crap, you think you are the next freakin' superstar. If you honestly thought you sounded like a cat, you wouldn't post it for the world to see. In all honestly, you probably are terrible. But you can't help that.

Now on a lighter note. I'd like you tell you all about the time I thought I was a cat. Seriously.

So it was in the evening and I'd just finished an epic session of shaving my legs (doesn't happen very often) in the bath. Got out, shriveled as a shrimp... moisturised  - because I do girly things somethings... and put on very little clothing.i.e. hotpants and vest top. I was shortly going to be getting into bed, I'm not a slut.

I had to nip downstairs to get my kittens in from the it was getting late and I didn't have a cat flap!
So I open the back door and my kittens do that weird ninja thing that cats do. You know.. you make them jump slightly and they have a sort of freeze panic position? Arch their back and stare the crap out of you. Well yeah, they did that. Now this back garden was small, very small.. and was used like a front garden. If that makes sense? Low walls and shortish back gate, where if people walk say hello.

At the same time my ninja cats were freaking out and doubling their body size, a man walked past the back gate. I'm standing there, nearly naked to the world...and instead of running away from the dude looking at me...what to I do? I tense up and freeze like a pissing cat. That's right. I took on my cats persona, stood there, arms bent, back arched...and just stared at him. LIKE A FREAK.

He took it on the chin and was pretty cool about it. Stared for a while then realised I must have been on day release from the local mental institute. I was horrified.

Think I'll leave it there!

Thanks to you all who have checked out my page!


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