Friday 9 November 2012

Friday morning babble.

Carrying on from my previous post, I have more things that make me an emotional idiot;

21. Missing cat posters
22. People eating alone in a restaurants
23. Old people blowing their noses
24. Old people cleaning their glasses
25. People tapping on fish tanks
26. The Queen-Mother R.I.P
27. Old people who fall over on the bus before finding a seat, because the driver is an inconsiderate twat.
28. Guide dogs
29. Children who forget their lines in school assemblies.
30. Old people wearing rain cap hat things.

Think I'll leave it there for now.

So, I've just made myself a cup of tea - and I find it really strange how I don't like my own brew!
Does anyone else have magical powers when it comes to the tasty hot beverage? Because I swear, if you put 5 different cups of tea in front of me, made by people I know - I would be able to tell you who made which one! I guess it does all come down to the teabag used - this plays a major role in getting the perfect cuppa. But still, it's all in the dedication. For example this is what I'll get;

Mum's tea - Stewed (but not enough), milky, good amount of sugar.

Stepdad's tea - Slighty stewed (half-hearted because he can't be bothered), not enough milk, fair amount of sugar. NEVER FILLED TO THE TOP.

Sister's tea - Never stewed (she uses the IN AND OUT approach), slopped in milk but shit loads of sugar (which gives her brownie points.)

Grandma's tea - Stewed, dash of milk, never enough sugar (because she refuses to feed my need for sweetness) ALWAYS BURNS MY MOUTH.

Nan's tea - Same as above, but much more drinkable - she must buy good teabags.

Rob's tea - Very stewed but with lots of milk and the perfect amounts of sugar. - Rob wins.

I am the Queen of tea-tasting, it's an undeniable fact.

SO! I haven't shaved my legs for about two weeks. But I figured, winter is here now - so it's more insulation.   I can just never be bothered. I'm not one of these girls who strive for perfection. I have days where I wish I was prettier, skinnier, taller and didn't resemble a pale skinned Ompa Lumpa - but which girl doesn't have these days (minus the ompa lumpa thing). What I mean is, I don't go out of my way to be more 'girl-like'.

I've been to a nail salon once, after being told I needed to relax and look after myself. I chose a bright metallic blue to be painted on my bitten to high heaven nails! It was a weird experience. I sat there giggling about how much it tickled, whilst being laughed at and filmed by my step-mum and sisters! I have a very over-expressive face and am pretty sure I looked like a NOB HEAD whilst sat with my hands under some dryer thing. To be fair, I was impressed with my nails and since then I make the effort to paint them at home. Which is actually pretty relaxing if I don't fuck it up. (Excuse my language family)

I have never had a sun-bed or spray tan (except my mother's make-shift ones in her bedroom). I find the idea of getting pretty much naked infront of a stranger highly nerve-wracking and would be scared of them judging my wobbly bits. LOL.

I hardly ever use 'do it yourself' fake tan. I do however use leg makeup - so on a night out, I don't look like corn beef that's been in a battle. I've always been clumsy and bruise easily. So I'd rather use that than look like a 5 year old child who has fallen over on the playground too many times.
Fake tan (unless you do it right) makes you look like a walking orange that smells like biscuits. Hats off to those who pull it off. But to those who have stained hands and streaky look like a bell end. Sort it out.

I don't where hair extensions and only straighten it if I'm having a straight hair day. I don't think I'd pull off the 'Oh look I'm wearing extensions which you can clearly see are strapped to my head' look too well.

I don't stick to a daily skin care routine. I rarely remember to brush my teeth at night - so the thought of spending half an hour cleansing, toning and moisturising doesn't turn me on. I wipe my face to death with makeup wipes and then I'm done. I probably should buy all these over-priced beauty products to help with the spots that won't piss off on my face, but sometimes, I just really can't be arsed. Don't get me wrong, I'm a clean person and do use face wash.

If I am having a super good day where life is brilliant and all is well in the brain of Crisi - I will buff and slap crap loads of lotion on myself. This is rare.

Plucking my eyebrows only occurs when it is most needed and waxing gives me nightmares.

Over and out! x

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