Thursday 13 December 2012

Something good.

Good evening to all!
If I am completely honest - I don't really have much to blog about tonight. My mind state is still somewhat gloomy but what's new eh!? When I first started my blog, I wrote about everyday things. Things that annoyed me, frustrated me or made me look like total fool with my dodgy sense of humour . As life changed, once again, I then began to blog about things a little deeper - whilst this has been a great comfort to me & I have had such an amazing response - I feel maybe tonight I should bring a little laughter back into 'a little feisty' ... After all, I'm still a comedy genius. I am a feisty goddess of all things banter.

Wow pressure is on.

I shall set the scene. Picture this - two girls, best friends, filming a television programme around Europe. A wonderful eye-opening trip, jammed packed full of adventure and awesome experiences. 

I was one of those girls.

Now, here's the thing. Both of us enjoy a drink. I don't drink often, but when I do - I hate myself because I turn into a complete uncool loser. Funny thing is, this time - I didn't even drink my body weight in alcohol. Perhaps it was the tequila. So, it had been a long day of filming and we decided it was time to let our hair down. We were staying in a very grand hotel in Italy. The kind of hotel where it's probably not acceptable to wear Ugg Boots with shorts. Granted, wearing Ugg Boots with shorts is not a great look anyway - but it was comfy okay!? So, this hotel was beautiful. Lotions and potions in the luxury bathroom and a bedroom that looked like it had popped out from a magazine. We were lucky girls. 

After our meal, a few of us decided to order some drinks to the room. Bad idea.

Turns out we must have been a little loud 'planking' on the balcony -
 we had the lights switched out on us.

So after some drunken antics, I decided to sleep in the bath. I don't really remember resting my little head there, but have been told it was amusing. I love it when others laugh at your misfortune. ;)

Waking up with a headache, I suddenly remembered it was another day of filming. I had now got used to getting up early by this point, so I shook off the sicky hangover I had been blessed with and started to get ready. 

As most girls do - the night before, I decided taking my makeup off was too much of a chore. So of course, I woke up to a beautifully messy face. Out came the wipes.

Now being a women, I can multi-task.
Thumbs up!

So I wiped my poor face to death whilst gathering my things together for the day.
I finally bucked up the courage to look in the mirror and see the damage alcohol does to a face. I was expecting blood shots eyes, black bags and crusty lips. Check, check and check. 

I spotted some mascara that I had somehow managed to miss on my cheek bone. I figured I must have moved it from my eye - down my face with the wipes.

I scrubbed. I washed. I scrubbed more.

This was some tough makeup stainage going on.

I decided this was a 'two woman job' and resorted to going into the bedroom and asking my bestfriend to help.

She scrubbed. She washed. She scrubbed more.

Then, I was greeted with what can only be described as this....

or this


What the hell has happened!?

Then these panicked, hurried words came out of my poor bestfriends mouth.

" IT'S A LOVEBITE.........last night, we thought it would be hilarious if I sucked your cheek"


Holy crap.

So there I was, in the middle of filming, stood in the poshest hotel I had ever been in...
looking classy as hell with a GIANT LOVEBITE ON MY FACE.

We resorted to laughing about it. It was the only thing we could do. But this was seriously terrible. It wasn't small either. It honestly looked like someone had punched me.... that or smeared poo on my cheek.

This helped a little - but not enough.

Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to suck someone's cheek. 
"Hey, suck my cheek"

What a couple of absolute idiots.

This sort of thing happens to me on a regular basis. I am a walking punch line to a joke.
I am a joke - with legs.

I would post a picture of the evidence, but it didn't cross my mind to take a full blown close up of the mug shot - that is my face. I also managed to position myself for photo's after the event - in a way you couldn't see the horrific brown mark. 

What a nightmare :)

Well that amused me whilst writing it. It probably won't have the same affect on you.
Maybe it was one of those  'you had to be there' moments.

Maybe I'm not such a comedy genius.


Thankyou again to everyone who has been reading my blog & for all your lovely messages. 
I've been overwhelmed with support.
Love you all.

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